
Lit Circle 1 - Lauren 
Mujahedeen (x)- Muslim guerilla warriors engaged in a jihad.
Hammam (xii)- a bathing establishment, such as a Turkish bath
Vacillated (xvi)- to swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another
Deference (8)- courteous respect; submission or courteous yielding to the opinion,  wishes, or judgment of another.
Superannuated (8)- retired or ineffective because of advanced age
Charhai-e-Sadarat (9)- traffic circle in Kabul
Mullah (11)- a Muslim man educated in Islamic theory and sacred law.
Shalwar kameez (12)- dress worn by both men and women in the Middle East
Pashtoon (19)- an Eastern Iranian ethno-linguistic group with populations primarily in Afghanistan and northern Pakistan.
Puritanical (21)- practicing or affecting strict religious or moral behavior.

Lit Circle 2 - Rachel
Loathing - pg. 38 - intense dislike
Virility - pg. 39 - masculine characteristics
Infidel - pg. 41 - one who rejects (a) religion
Shalwar Kameez - pg. 42 - traditional dress worn in South and Central Asia by men and women consisting of a long-tunic falling about mid-calf and drawstring pants tapering to a cuff at the ankle
Fez - pg. 42 - a man's red felt cap shaped like a flat-topped cone with a tassel hanging from the crown
Trundles - pg. 43 - rolls along
Zenith - pg. 43 - point in the sky directly overhead/highest point
Precipice - pg. 48 - steep cliff
Lucrative - pg. 52 - profitable
Unscrupulous - dishonest

Lit Circle 3 - Julia
1. Proffer (71): to put before a person for acceptance; offer

2. Behoove (71): to be necessary or proper for, as for moral or ethical considerations

3. Swill (75): kitchen refuse and scraps of waste food mixed with water for feeding to pigs

4. Pakol (77): soft, round-topped men’s hat, typically of wool and found in any of a variety of earthy colors: brown, black, gray, or ivory

5. Grille (84): an open grating of material forming a screen or used as a divider; net on a Burka

6. Haggle (84): Dispute or bargain persistently, esp. over the cost of something.

7. Pakora (85): a piece of vegetable or meat, coated in seasoned batter and deep-fried

8. Coquettish (86): behaving in a such a way as to suggest a playful sexual attraction; flirtatious

9. Wares (86): articles of merchandise or manufacture; goods

10. Cardamom (87): aromatic seed capsules of tropical Asian plant Elettaria cardamomum; of the ginger family; used as a spice or condiment and in medicine

Lit Circle 4 - Sarah
Ingratiate (98) - bring oneself into favor with someone by flattering or trying to please them.
Mullah (102) - a muslim learned Islamic theology and sacred law.
Eid (103) - a muslim festival, in particular, the feast marking the end of the fast of Ramadan.
peckish (107)- hungry
cupola (112) - a small dome on a drum on top of a larger dome, adorning a roof or ceiling [in this case on top of a tomb].
polemic (133) - a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something.
pilfer (138) - to steal.
precipice (140) - a very steep rock face or cliff, typically a tall one.
Oligarchy (149) - a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.
rubenesque (163) - Plump or fleshy and voluptuous.

Lit Circle 5 - Lauren

reprimands (184)- to rebuke

indignant (185)- feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment.

Mikrorayon (186)- neighborhood in Kabul

inquiries (190)- a seeking or request for truth

meditated (197)- any of a family of practices in which the practitioners train his or her mind or self induces a mode of conciseness in order to realize some benefit.

loincloth (198)- one piece male garment, sometimes kept in place by a belt which covers the genitals and the buttocks.

latrines (198)- communal place with multiple toilets.

Cutlery (198)- cutting utensils

Haram (202)- anything that is forbidden by Islamic law

Infidel (203)- one who has no religious beliefs or who doubts or rejects the central tenants of a particular religion.

Lit Circle 6 - Rachel

Haughtily - pg. 214 - arrogance: overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner
Sanctimonious -  pg. 225 - making a show of being morally better than others
Exorbitant - pg. 226 - unreasonably high
Flogging - pg. 227 - beating (someone) with a whip or stick as punishment
Virulent - pg. 227 - extremely severe or harmful in its effects
Ominously - pg. 230 - threatening or foreshadowing evil
Awl - pg. 233 - small pointed tool used for piercing holes, esp. in leather
Puce - pg. 238 - dark red or purple-brown color
Beseeching - pg. 240 - ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something
Usurp - pg. 244 - take (position of power/importance) illegally

Lit Circle 7 - Julia
1) Buxom (248): (of a woman) healthy, plump, cheerful, and lively 
2) Subservience (251): serving or acting in a subordinate capacity; subordinate
3) Vociferous (253): crying out noisily
4) Constable (258): an officer of the peace, having police and minor judicial functions, usually in a small town, rural district, etc.
5) Spurious (258): not genuine, authentic, or true; not from the claimed, pretended, or proper source; counterfeit.
6) Tacit (259): understood without being openly expressed; implied: tacit approval.
7) Reconnaissance (262): a search made for useful military information in the field, especially by examining the ground.
8) Sortie (262): a rapid movement of troops from a besieged place to attack the besiegers.
9) Kalashnikov (264): Russian-made automatic rifle
10) Hashish (265): the flowering tops and leaves of Indian hemp smoked, chewed, or drunk as a narcotic and intoxicant.

Lit Circle 8- Sarah 

smitten (270)- be strongly attracted to someone or something
indignation (273)- anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment
reign (273)- the period of prevalence or domination of a specified thing
exertion (275) physical or mental effort; the application of force, influence or quality
glitziest (276)- ostentatiously attractive
roves (278)- travel constantly without a fixed destination; wander
irreconcilable (285)- representing findings or points of view that are so different from each other that they cannot be made compatible
ostracized (286)- exclude from a society or group; banish
guffaw (286)- a loud and boisterous laugh
lucrative (286)- producing a great deal of profit